Documentary Series | DE (2014) | 5 x 78min
For the former GDR citizens, the collapse of the communist GDR in 1989 meant numerous professional and personal breaks and disappointments, in many ways a complete reorientation or the great opportunity to travel, to find wealth, new luck. 25 years after the Fall of the Wall, THE EAST GERMANS shows how they dealt with these great and enduring changes and who they have become today.
The “25 paths of life” enable a vast cross-section through the East German soul, across milieus, income levels and generations. In each episode an individual song adds an emotional layer that takes us back in time.
Artistic Director: Lutz Pehnert
Director: Lutz Pehnert, Uli Gaulke, Jeannette Eggert, Gabriele Denecke, Jürgen Ast, Carsten Fiebeler, Christian Klemke
Camera: Anne Misselwitz, Wolfgang Gaube, Peter Badel, Andre Böhm
Editor: Thomas Kleinwächter
Sound: Johannes Schneeweiss, Manuel Voigt ua.
Production: credo:film GmbH – Susann Schimk, Jörg Trentmann
Commissioning Editor: : Jens Stubenrauch, Rolf Bergmann (RBB)
Production Management: Rainer Baumert (RBB)
Grimme-Preis (2015): Nomination in the category “Information & Culture”
5 x 80 min, HD, colour
© 2014 credo:film GmbH / rbb
Funded by Medienboard Berlin Brandenburg and Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED Diktatur, in cooperation with Ch.Links Verlag, Berliner Zeitung and rbb media