Cinema Documentary | DE (2017) | 90min
“Refugee 11″ are 27 players from 15 countries. Among them are five Syrians, four Afghans, and three Ghanaians – other teammates range from Guinea to Albania. They don’t speak the same language; they couldn’t be more different.
During the week they wait for letters from the ministry of immigration – hoping to be allowed to start a new life in Germany. Every weekend, they play soccer – in the lowest league, but they give it their best. It’s their only opportunity to feel free, to show the world who they are, and what they can achieve on their own.
The film follows three young players and their team over the course of the 2016 season against the backdrop of everyday life in small-town Germany near Cologne. This is the story of young men who came to stay, the challenges they face and the obstacles they have to overcome in the fight for their own success.
A story of hope and acceptance, the magic of soccer and the realms of the possible…
Writer | Director: Jean Boué
Camera: Knut Schmitz, Anne Misselwitz
Editing: Thomas Wellmann
Music | Sound Design: David Kammerer
Producer: Antje Boehmert
Production: Docday Productions
Commissioning Editor: Jutta Krug, WDR
Watch Movie Online: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
Winner European CIVIS Award, 2018
The entire movie is online at Mediathek der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung